Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1...2...3 JOBS!

I don't mean to brag here or anything, but my husband is amazing. It's more of a fact than opinion. Braden got a third job this week (keep in mind he is going to school full time as well). Most know he's main job is working at the MTC twice a week from 7 1/2 to 9 1/2 hours at a time. He also recently got hired at Snowbird as a ski instructor which starts in a couple weeks. He'll be working about 12 hours a week. Last week he got hired doing free lance Dutch translation work for an engineering company. The hours on that vary, but he can do it from home in his "free" time (what free time!). Looks like we'll actually have money for Christmas presents this year!

Parents are coming tomorrow for the weekend! We're going to a BYU football game (cross your fingers that they win!) and going out to Tucano's for my dad's birthday which is on Saturday. I won't disclose how old he is, just that he looks much younger than he actually is. I'm way excited to see them.

Halloween was pretty uneventful (Note for all people outside of Utah: Utah celebrates Halloween on Saturday if Halloween falls on a Sunday). Not a single trick or treater. We did go to Snowbird and took the tram up to the top of the mountain again like we had done a few weeks ago with Braden's nephews and niece. It was snowing like crazy at the top! So as we were getting on the tram to go back down, the dude in charge told everyone they had to get off because there was lightning in the area. I had no idea that lightning could occur while it was snowing. So we were stuck on the top of Snowbird for another half hour. It was crazy! Then we went to TGI Friday's for date night/in celebration of Halloween and also because we hadn't come up with costumes for the ward Trunk or Treat.

Looking forward to our first thanksgiving together!

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